
Showing posts from June, 2023

Exploring the '>>>' Operator in TypeScript: Unsigned Right Shift and Its Applications

In TypeScript , the unsigned right shift operator (>>>) is a useful tool for performing right shifts on binary numbers, filling the leftmost bits with zeros. Unlike the signed right shift operator (>>) , the '>>>' operator treats numbers as unsigned, meaning that the sign of the number is not preserved during the shift. The unsigned right shift is particularly useful when you need to work with unsigned integers and want to perform bitwise operations without distorting the semantics of the numbers. This operator ensures that the leftmost bits are filled with zeros, even if the number is negative. Syntax: The unsigned right shift operator (>>>) has the following syntax: expression1 >>> expression2 Expression1 is the number to be shifted, and expression2 is the number of positions it will be shifted to the right. Usage and Purpose: The '>>>' operator is used to perform a right shift on a binary number, fill...

Exploring the '<<=' Operator in TypeScript: Left Shift with Assignment and Its Applications

The left shift assignment operator (<<=) is a compound assignment operator available in TypeScript . It is used to perform a bitwise left shift on a number and assign the result to the same variable. I will explain in detail about the '<<=' operator, including when to use it, why to use it, when not to use it, other similar operators, and which is most suitable in different situations. Syntax: The basic syntax of the left shift assignment operator is as follows: variable <<= value; This performs a bitwise left shift on the variable using the specified value and assigns the result back to the same variable. Usage and Purpose: The '<<=' operator is used to perform bitwise left shift operations on integers. It is useful in scenarios where you need to multiply or divide a number by a power of 2 . Left shifting a number is equivalent to multiplying the number by 2 raised to the specified power. Here are some situations where using the ...

Exploring the 'instanceof' operator in TypeScript: Usage, application, and alternative type-checking approaches

The 'instanceof' operator is used to check if an object is an instance of a particular class or if it inherits from a specific class. It returns a boolean value, indicating whether the object is an instance of the specified class or a class derived from it. Here are the details about the 'instanceof' operator: Syntax: The basic syntax of the 'instanceof' operator is as follows: object instanceof Class Where 'object' is the object you want to check, and 'Class' is the class you want to check for an instance. Usage and Purpose: The 'instanceof' operator is primarily used to perform runtime type checks and to execute conditional logic based on object classes. Here are some situations where using the 'instanceof' operator is appropriate: Runtime type checking: The 'instanceof' operator is useful when you need to check if an object is an instance of a specific class. This is particularly helpful when working w...

Exploring the 'in' operator in TypeScript: Usage, Application, and Alternatives

The 'in' operator is used in TypeScript to check if a specific property exists in an object. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the property is present or not. Here are the details about the 'in' operator: Syntax: The basic syntax of the 'in' operator is as follows: property in object Where 'property' is the name of the property you want to check, and 'object' is the object in which you want to check the presence of the property. Usage and Purpose: The 'in' operator is primarily used for performing type checks at compile time and for executing conditional operations based on the presence of properties in an object. Here are some situations where using the 'in' operator is appropriate: Compile-time type checking: The 'in' operator is useful when working with union types or intersection types. It allows you to check if a specific property is present in all types of the union or intersection before using ...

User-Defined Type Guards in TypeScript

In TypeScript , one of the powerful features is the ability to define your own type guards. A type guard is a function that allows the compiler to infer more precise information about the type of a variable at a specific point in the code. Custom type guards are particularly useful when dealing with union types and specific checks are needed to determine which type is being used. In this text, we will explore in detail how user-defined type guards work and how they can be implemented in TypeScript . What are User-Defined Type Guards? User-defined type guards are functions created by the developer to assist the TypeScript compiler in inferring types based on specific checks. These custom checks are used to refine union types and make the TypeScript type system more accurate. When to Use User-Defined Type Guards? User-defined type guards are useful when working with union types and additional checks are needed to accurately determine which type is being used in a specific cont...

Discriminated Unions in TypeScript

In this post, we will explore the concept of discriminated unions , which are a way to define union types that have a common property indicating which variant of the type is being used. This property is called the discriminant or tag and can be used to restrict the set of possible values for a union type. Discriminated unions are very useful for representing different scenarios or states in a system and enable writing more readable and robust code with TypeScript . A discriminated union is composed of members that have a common field, called the discriminant, which serves to distinguish between different cases. The discriminant can be a common property or a literal type. Depending on the value of the discriminant, TypeScript can infer and automatically check the types in different parts of the code. Let's take a look at an example to better understand. Suppose we want to model different geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, and triangles. We can use a discriminated unio...

Type Guards in TypeScript

Remember to consider the specific characteristics of your code and the requirements for number manipulation when choosing the most appropriate operator for performing right shifts. There are several ways to implement type guards in TypeScript , each suitable for different situations. Below, I will explain some of the main approaches. 1)  'typeof': The 'typeof' operator is used to check the primitive type of a variable. For example: function processData(data: string | number) {       if (typeof data === 'string') {             //  Manipulating data as a string            console.log(data.toUpperCase());        } else {             // Manipulating data as a number            console.log(data.toFixed(2));         }  } In this example, the '...

How to Create and Run a TypeScript File on Windows

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds additional features and support for static types to JavaScript . To get started, you'll need to have TypeScript installed on your system.   Here are the steps to create and run a TypeScript file in the Windows terminal: 1) Install Node.js : TypeScript requires Node.js to run. Ensure that Node.js is installed on your system. If not, download and install the latest version of Node.js from the official website: 2) Install TypeScript : Open the Windows terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell). Run the following command to install TypeScript globally: npm install -g typescript This will install TypeScript on your system. 3) Create a TypeScript file: Open a text editor of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code. Create a new file with the .ts extension (e.g., myFile.ts) . In the file, you can write TypeScript code. For example, let's create a file that disp...

TypeScript: Enhancing JavaScript for Robust and Scalable Development

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft . It was created by Anders Hejlsberg, known for his work on other popular languages such as Turbo Pascal , Delphi , and C# . The development of TypeScript began in 2010, and its first public version was released in October 2012. The motivation behind creating this language was to address some of the limitations of JavaScript , making it more robust and scalable for large-scale projects. JavaScript is a dynamic, client-side (browser) and server-side (Node.js) interpreted language. While it is a powerful and widely used language, JavaScript poses challenges in terms of weak typing and the lack of advanced features for object-oriented programming and compile-time type checking. Anders Hejlsberg and his team at Microsoft saw an opportunity to enhance JavaScript and address these limitations while maintaining compatibility with the vast existing codebase. They decided to create a new language that builds upon JavaS...