Exploring the '>>>' Operator in TypeScript: Unsigned Right Shift and Its Applications
In TypeScript , the unsigned right shift operator (>>>) is a useful tool for performing right shifts on binary numbers, filling the leftmost bits with zeros. Unlike the signed right shift operator (>>) , the '>>>' operator treats numbers as unsigned, meaning that the sign of the number is not preserved during the shift. The unsigned right shift is particularly useful when you need to work with unsigned integers and want to perform bitwise operations without distorting the semantics of the numbers. This operator ensures that the leftmost bits are filled with zeros, even if the number is negative. Syntax: The unsigned right shift operator (>>>) has the following syntax: expression1 >>> expression2 Expression1 is the number to be shifted, and expression2 is the number of positions it will be shifted to the right. Usage and Purpose: The '>>>' operator is used to perform a right shift on a binary number, fill...